User Onboarding/Walkthrough
Users can walk through the application for a better understanding of different user actions available on key screens.
Home Screen
For first-time users after login, the walkthrough automatically starts on the home page.
For multi-tenant users, the walkthrough starts after selecting the tenant and landing on the home screen
Step No. | Element | Note |
1 | Tenant selection | Click here to switch to other Gram Panchayats |
2 | Household Register | Household Register contains a list of all consumers and their pending amounts |
3 | Collect Payments | Use collect payments to search for consumers, generate bills and collect payments |
4 | Download Bills and Receipts | Search by consumer details such as name or phone number to download bills & receipts |
5 | Add Expense Record | Use this to make a new expenditure entry into the system |
6 | Update Expenses | |
7 | Generate Demand | |
8 | Create Consumer | Create consumers records by adding details |
9 | Update Consumer Details | |
10 | GPWSC Dashboard | View daily, monthly collection and expenditure summary |
11 | Notifications | Any new notifications that require your action regarding collections and expenditure will be shown here |
Consumer creation screen
Step No. | Element | Note |
1 | Consumer’s Name | Start creating a consumer record by entering the consumer name |
2 | Gender | Select gender of the consumer |
3 | Father's Name | Add father’s name of the consumer |
4 | Mobile Number | Enter the mobile number of the consumer |
5 | Old Connection id | Enter OLD Connection ID Number. Eg.105 |
6 | Door Number | |
7 | Street No/Street Name | |
8 | Ward | Select the ward where the consumer resides |
9 | Gram Panchayat | |
10 | Property Type | Select one from residential/commercial type of property |
11 | Service Type | Select if the connection is metered or non-metered |
12 | Meter Number | Add meter number of the connection of the consumer |
13 | Previous meter reading date | Add the date of the last meter reading |
14 | Arrears | Add amount the household has to pay until today |
Expense Entry Screen
Step No. | Element | Note |
1 | Type of Expense | Select the category of expenditure |
2 | Vendor Name | Mention the name of the vendor who raised the bill |
3 | Amount | Add the amount that is mentioned in the bill |
4 | Bill Date | Add date on which bill is entered into records |
5 | Party Bill Date | Add date on which the bill is raised |
6 | Attach Bill | Attach JPEG/ PDF formats of the bill here |
7 |
Step No. | Element | Note |
1 | User feedback section | Feedback provided by consumers is shown here |
2 | Collections Snapshot | Summary of collections made in the selected time period |
3 | Search field | You can search for the consumer by Name or connection ID |
4 | Filters | Use filters to drill down by property type |
5 | Connection ID Column | These are new Connection IDs of consumers. Clicking on a consumer ID takes you to the respective Consumer Detail screen |
6 | Name | Name of the consumer |
7 | Collections | Collections made by the consumers in the selected time period |
Last updated