Edit Profile
Users are navigated to the Edit Profile screen once they click on the option on the sidebar app drawer.
Link - → {base url}/mgramseva/home/editProfile
User Interaction On Screen
User can change their profile name, gender and email on this screen
Click on the Save button triggers a Details Saved Successfully message on the screen and saves the changes to the profile.
File Path
Field Validations
Fields | Validations |
Name |
Email ID |
API Details
End Point | Request Method | Request Info |
| "user": { "id": {}, "userName": {}, "salutation": null, "name": {}, "gender": {}, "mobileNumber": "9191919146", "emailId": {}, "altContactNumber": null, "pan": null, "aadhaarNumber": null, "permanentAddress": null, "permanentCity": null, "permanentPinCode": null, "correspondenceAddress": null, "correspondenceCity": null, "correspondencePinCode": null, "active": true, "locale": null, "type": "EMPLOYEE", "accountLocked": false, "accountLockedDate": 0, "fatherOrHusbandName": null, "relationship": null, "signature": null, "bloodGroup": null, "photo": null, "identificationMark": null, "createdBy": {}, "lastModifiedBy": {}, "tenantId": {}, "roles": [ {} ], } |
1 → Home Screen. + Edit Profile Screen
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets utilised from Library
Widgets | File Path | Description |
| Text Field | |
| Button | |
| Radio Buttons for options |
Last updated