Release Notes

mGramseva 1.2 Release Notes

Release Summary

mGramSeva 1.2 release features enhancements with a few functional changes and non-functional changes.

  • Create and update consumers with the option to pay penalty and advance

  • Allow users to collect advance payment

  • Penalty amount addition if the due amount is not paid before the due date

  • Addition of father/husband column in household register

  • Receipt and bill PDF changes based on advance and penalty amount and localization fixes

  • Dashboard data and trend graph data mismatch fixes

  • Non-functional: After flutter upgradation, APK was not working in Android > 12 fixes

New ‌Feature Additions/Enhancements


Penalty and advance

  • Penalty and advance features added for consumers (Note: penalty/advance can be disabled from MDMS for a particular tenant)

Collect advance amount

  • Advance amount collection enabled (Note: Can be disabled from MDMS)

Father/husband column in the household register

  • Additional column added in Household Register screen and PDF.

Receipt and bill enhancements and fixes

  • Advance and penalty fields added

  • Localisation issue fixed

Dashboard data and graph data mismatch fixes

  • Due to the data mismatch, from two APIs, for both the graph and table, the data is taken from a single API

APK fixes

  • APK was showing a white screen in Android > 12, Fixes

Road Map

The below enhancements in reports and dashboard are addressed for tracking/viewing Advance and Penalty details

Other Enhancements

Success Metrics

Primary KPI for overall mGramSeva - mGramseva Adoption KPI

Additional: % of consumers paying and GPWSC collecting advance % of the advance amount of revenue collected month on month Outcomes: * Increased revenue * Timely payments

Known Issues

PFM-1699 - Reactivating the consumer and checking if it is allowing to generate the demand for previous month PFM-1761 - HH Register PDF | Consumer name in Hindi should be fetched in Hindi even if language selected is English. PFM-1671 - Bill and Receipt localization issue not displayed properly for tenant and month name

Last updated

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