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Introducing mGramSeva

Mobile app designed to collect, manage revenue and expenditure

About mGramSeva

A mobile-based application that enables the gram panchayat water committee to collect & manage revenue and expenditure.

mGramSeva is an application that has been developed as part of the exemplar in Punjab. It enables rural local bodies to manage revenue and expenditures related to water supply projects using a mobile app. The app is meant for members of the water management committee and collection agents. The collection agents can add consumers (or households), and generate bills and receipt acknowledgements.

Problems Addressed

The Finance Department and Water Supply and Sanitation Department have limited visibility over the fiscal sustainability of water schemes and get hit by the sudden demand for large funds to clear electricity bills.

The Department of Water Supply & Sanitation (DWSS) faces several problems due to the lack of financial visibility of schemes:

  • Unreliable and poor-quality of water

  • Inability to collect adequate water charges

  • Lack of visibility of revenue and expenditure information

  • Large amounts of pending electricity bills

  • Large unplanned expenditure to pay pending bills

mGramSeva helps digitise revenue and expense records of Gram Panchayat Water Supply Committees. The dashboards and data insights provide visibility of the GPWSC financial status to the DWSS and FD officials.

The app provides:

  • Digital way to maintain the revenue and expenditure records

  • Easy to share reports over WhatsApp

  • Updated information on consumer satisfaction/quality of services

  • Dashboards for a snapshot of collections and expenditures to the Sarpanch/other GP officials

  • Further details of collection from each household provided for easy management


mGramSeva posts standardized fiscal events on the fiscal information exchange (FIX) platform. The events are processed and provide rich insights to the users through the fiscal sustainability dashboards.

mGramSeva Solutions Approach

The key benefits of using the mGramSeva app are listed below:


mGramSeva offers multiple features required to manage revenues and expenditures (listed below).

Section Overview

This section contains all docs and information required to understand the mGramSeva, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the mGramSeva app.

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