Create Consumer
Enables employees to create new Consumers or Connections - The process of onboarding the end-users.
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/consumercreate
The Create Consumer card is available on the home screen as per the defined user role.
Click on the Consumer Create card navigates the user to the consumer creation screen.
Users enter the required details for the creation of a consumer.
If a user logs in for the first time then a walkthrough is populated following the same logic as in the home screen.
File Path
Fields | Validations |
consumer Name* |
Gender* | None |
Spouse/Parent’s Name* |
Phone Number* |
Old Connection No | None |
Category | None |
Sub Category | None |
Door Number | None |
Street Name/Number | None |
Gram Panchayat Name* | None- Disabled |
Propert Type* | None |
Service Type* | None |
Meter Id |
Meter Reading |
Billing Cycle | None |
Arrears |
Advance |
Penalty |
Note: All fields are validated on Submit except the Phone number which gets validated on change.
API Details
API | Params | Description |
| To get the Property Type and service Type and billing cycle values for the Dropdown |
| To get the values for Locality DropDow |
Process Details
Consumer creation involves 2 sequential processes
Property Creation
Water connection Creation
After creating a property, the Property ID is linked to the WaterConnection Request JSON.
Water connection creation is of two types:
A metered connection that requires Meter ID and meter installation Date/ Last Meter Reading Date and an optional field to capture meter reading.
Non-Metered Connection which requires the last billing cycle as mandatory params captured in the field as shown below.
Users can switch between connection types by selecting a desired value from the Service Type DropDown.
Advance and Penalty
For consumers, users can give either Advance or Arrears along with a Penalty by selecting the respective option using the radio buttons. If a user selects Advance, the field is shown or else Arrears and Penalty will be shown where the user can enter the required amount.
The radio button “Advance” will be displayed only if the config flag “Advance enabled” is activated in the MDMS billing service.
The “Penalty” field (displayed along with arrears) on selecting the Arrears radio button, will be displayed only if the config flag “Penalty enabled” is activated in the MDMS billing service. The user will be able to see the arrears field and can enter the arrears amount.
Logic Implemented For Advance
billing-service/demand/_search API is used for calculating the advance amount for the current bill. We can get the advance amount if taxHeadMasterCode contains 'WS_ADVANCE_CARRYFORWARD'. Here we have two properties - collection amount and tax amount. The tax amount is the advance amount that is added to the system and the collection amount is how much we utilised from the total advance amount. We can get the current advance from the taxAmount - collectionAmount
Logic Implemented For Time Penalty
billing-service/demand/_search API is used to calculate the Penalty amount. We can get the penalty amount if taxHeadMasterCode contains 'WS_TIME_ADHOC_PENALTY'. We get the penalty amount from the tax amount property.
The due date is calculated by adding the billexpirtyDate days with the demand generation date.
Logic Implemented For First Demand Penalty
If it is the first demand and it is having the taxHeadMasterCode 10201, we show the Penalty place holder in the bill details.
API | Description |
| Property Creation Request JSON |
Role Access Mapping
Files Path
Components utilised from Widgets Library
Components | File Path |
TextField Builder | |
RadioButtonField Builder | |
SearchSelectField Builder | |
DatePicker Builder |
Last updated