Expenditure - Add Expense
The expense entry for the O&M on regular basis is captured on this screen.
On selecting the option “Add Expense Record” from the list of tile/cards on the home page, the user is navigated to the expense entry screen. The screen displays the following fields.
Field Name | Type | Mandatory Y/N | Description |
Vendor Name | Text (With Suggestions dropdown) | Y | Name of the Vendor. The suggestion list is shown as the user entry is done for every character. The new Name will also create a Vendor Register. |
Type of Expense | Drop Down | Y | Type of expense list From Master |
Amount | Numeric | Y | Expense amount for the Bill |
Bill Date | Date | Y | Date on which the bill is to be recorded in the registers. Validation - Before Current Date and after party Bill Date. |
Party Bill Date | Date | N | Date on which the Party/vendor bill was issued. Validation - Before the Bill Date. |
Bill Paid | Radio Buttons | N | With option Yes/No. To update status if it is paid. If yes, “Paid Date” is captured. |
Paid Date | Date | N | Date on which the bill is paid. Displayed if the Bill paid option is selected as “Yes”. Validation - After Bill date and less than current Date. |
Attach Documents | Doc Attachments | N | Option to upload documents (Max of 5). Supported files - PDF, JPEG, PNG. Should show required validation for other types of files. |
Submit | Button | - | On click, the consumer master gets created with the detail entered above. The new connection id also should get generated as per the configuration. |
On Submitting, the Expense entry gets created with a Bill number assigned. The Bill number generated would be based on logic defined as - “EB-<FY>-<4 digit running seq No>”
On Successful creation of expense entry, an acknowledgement screen is shown “Expense Entry successful” along with the Bill Number.
Expenditure Entry | Expenditure entry Successful | |
Last updated