Monthly Dashboard

Users are redirected to this screen if they select the GPWSC Dashboard option on the home screen.

Link → {base url}/mgramseva/home/dashboard

User Interaction On Screen

  • Users can select the year from the drop-down which contains the list of the last 5 Financial years, on tap of any year respective months will be displayed.

  • Users can see the user satisfaction average scores of the selected month.

  • Users can see the Trend line graph plotted based on both Revenue and Expenditure.

  • By selecting any Month from the table, users are navigated to the Expenditure and Revenue Dashboard screen.

  • Users can see the WhatsApp Share button, by tapping on it users can share the Monthly dashboard as a screenshot via WhatsApp.

Files Path

Secondary Files: ,

API Details


1 → Home Screen + Monthly Dashboard + Revenue Dashboard + update connection screen

Pop → Revenue Dashboard screen → Home Screen

2 → Home Screen + Monthly Dashboard + Expenditure Dashboard + update expenditure screen

Pop → Expenditure Dashboard Screen → Home Screen

3 → Home Screen + Monthly Dashboard + Revenue Dashboard + update connection screen + Update Success

Pop → Home Screen

4 → Home Screen + Monthly Dashboard + Expenditure Dashboard + update expenditure screen + Update Success

Pop → Home Screen

Widgets Utilised from Library

Role Access Mapping

case Routes.DASHBOARD:

Files Path

Model →

Last updated

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