mGramSeva Scheduler

About Schedulers

Schedulers are designed to run a particular service at a scheduled time, without triggering manually. We can have multiple schedulers for an application. It will consider the GMT time format only.

How CronJob Works

The python script (name) would read the mdms-read-cronjob json from the MDMS service which users CRONJOB user for a token to access the MDMS service.

Try to identify the API's configured in this mdms with the argument passed while invoking the script.

With the identified configs from the mdms, the script calls the respective API configured there.

mGramSeva Schedulers

Total 7 schedulers are available in the mGramSeva: _schedulerTodaysCollection: This scheduler will run daily to send the day collection amount to the collection employee.

_jobscheduler/true: This is to send the notification to the ULB employee when the bulk demand auto-generation is failed.

_schedulermarkexpensebill: This scheduler is used to mark the expense as paid for the paid expenses once for every fortnight.

_schedulernewexpenditure: This is used to send the notification once for every fortnight regarding the no of expenditures created.

_schedulermonthsummary: This is to send the monthly summary details to the ULB employee. _schedulerpendingcollection: This is to send the total pending amount details to the respective ULB employee user once every fortnight.

_jobscheduler/false: This is used to generate the bulk demand automatically once every month.

As we have 7 different schedulers in mGramSeva which will be running in 4 different time slots so we have to configure, all of them run the same python scripts with the different arguments which you can see in the file under command -> args

The Time of the scheduler to run should be configured under cron-> schedule option.

Example of failedBulkDemand scheduler.

You can observe -

  1. command->args value is failedbulkdemand ( through which python script understand to invoke only api configured in mdms-read-cronjob mdms json file with the name as “failedbulkdemand”

  2. cron->schedule value is “ 30 3 5 * *” which define the time to kick this scheduler i.e at 3.30 on 5th day of every month. As the crontab follows GMT timezone converting this time to IST this jobs run on 9am of on 5th day of every month


Infraops Configuration Changes

PriorNote: In DevOps for every configuration app name changes according to the name of the cron job file given and the schedule will change according to the time set, and the argument will be as per the job name given in MDMS configuration.

labels: app: monthly-cronjob // This name will change based on the cronjob scheduler we are using group: mdms-read-cronjob // this is the same for all as we are using the same python script

cron: schedule: 30 3 4 * * // This depends on the time we need to run the scheduler

image: repository: api-cronjob tag: v1


  • python3



  • monthly // This is the job name which differs from the requirement of scheduler type.


name: JOB_NAME




resources: |

requests: {}

The remaining fields will be the same for all the schedulers.

Monthly: This will run and send the notification to the ULB employee or consumer on the 4th of every month morning at 9 am as per the scheduled time.

Fortnightevening: This scheduler will run on the 1st and 15th of every month evening at 6 pm to send the respective notification to the Consumer.

Failedbulkdemand: When the bulk demand generation is failed this scheduler will run and share the message to ULB employees to generate demand manually.

Dailyevening: This scheduler will run daily and send notifications to the collection operator on a daily basis.

Check the links below

MDMS object details and configuration:


"jobName": "monthly", // This will change based on the job name

"active": "true", // when the "active" param is set to true, the scheduler runs automatically. The scheduler does not run when set to false.

"method": "POST",

"url":http://echallan-services.mgramseva:8080/echallan-services/eChallan/v1/_schedulermonthsummary", // This is the respective service URL to call that service as per the scheduler.

"payload": {

"RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}" // this is common in all the schedulers used to send the request info.


"header": {

"Content-Type": "application/json" // This is a common property for all schedulers.



Here is the configuration for all the schedulers: Click here to see


      "jobName": "monthly",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://ws-calculator.mgramseva:8080/ws-calculator/waterCalculator/_jobscheduler/false",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"




      "jobName": "fortnightevening",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://ws-services.mgramseva:8080/ws-services/wc/_schedulerpendingcollection",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"




      "jobName": "monthly",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://echallan-services.mgramseva:8080/echallan-services/eChallan/v1/_schedulermonthsummary",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"




      "jobName": "fortnightevening",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://echallan-services.mgramseva:8080/echallan-services/eChallan/v1/_schedulernewexpenditure",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"




      "jobName": "fortnightevening",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://echallan-services.mgramseva:8080/echallan-services/eChallan/v1/_schedulermarkexpensebill",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"




      "jobName": "failedbulkdemand",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://ws-calculator.mgramseva:8080/ws-calculator/waterCalculator/_jobscheduler/true",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"




      "jobName": "dailyevening",

      "active": "true",

      "method": "POST",

      "url": "http://ws-services.mgramseva:8080/ws-services/wc/_schedulerTodaysCollection",

      "payload": {

        "RequestInfo": "{DEFAULT_REQUESTINFO}"


      "header": {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"



User Creation

Need to create a user with CRONJOB as name and type as SYSTEM and ROLE as SYSTEM AND EMPLOYEE here is the sample curl to create the user.

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8090/user/users/_createnovalidate'

--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

--data-raw '{
  "RequestInfo": {
    "api_id": "1",
    "ver": "1",
    "ts": null,
    "action": "create",
    "did": "",
    "key": "",
    "msg_id": "",
    "requester_id": "",
    "userInfo": {
      "userName": "XXYY",
      "name": "NAME",
      "gender": "male",
      "mobileNumber": "XXYY",
      "active": true,
      "type": "EMPLOYEE",
      "tenantId": "pb",
      "password": "eGov@123",
      "roles": [
          "code": "SUPERUSER",
          "tenantId": "pb"
  "User": {
    "userName": "CRONJOB",
    "name": "CRONJOB",
    "gender": "male",
    "mobileNumber": "XXXXXX",
    "active": true,
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "tenantId": "pb",
    "password": "eGov@123",
    "roles": [
        "code": "SYSTEM",
        "tenantId": "pb"


A Build ID (similar to the id given below) is created when you build the cronjob. api-cronjob:develop-c0aa08a-2

Take the id only from this instead of a complete name like develop-c0aa08a-2. This id will be used as the id for your respective yaml files and the same will be deployed to the required environment to test the cron job.

For example:




monthly:develop-c0aa08a-2 Note: develop-c0aa08a-2 is the common build id for all the files which you are using.

How to run the cronjob manually

Delete the existing cron jobs if they already exist with the same name.

kubectl delete cronjob mdms-read-cronjob -n mgramseva

Deploy these builds in QA environments, which are related to cronjob schedulers.

mdms-read-cronjob:develop-c0aa08a-2, failedbulkdemand:develop-c0aa08a-2, fortnightevening:develop-c0aa08a-2,monthly:develop-c0aa08a-2

Steps to test the cron job scheduler.

  • kubectl get cronjob -n mgramseva -- to check the list of cron jobs

Create the job manually to test the messages.

Here are the commands to create the jobs.

A message is received for the respective schedulers each time we run it.

We can increase the number to test again like failedbulkdemand-manually-1 next it will be failedbulkdemand-manually-2.

  • kubectl create job --from=cronjob/failedbulkdemand failedbulkdemand-manually-1 -n mgramseva

  • kubectl create job --from=cronjob/fortnightevening fortnightevening-manually-1 -n mgramseva

  • kubectl create job --from=cronjob/mdms-read-cronjob mdms-read-cronjob-manually-1 -n mgramseva

  • kubectl create job --from=cronjob/monthly monthly-manually-1 -n mgramseva

  • kubectl get job -n mgramseva -- to check the list of jobs

To check the cronjob image

kubectl describe cronjob mdms-read-cronjob -n mgramseva

To delete specific job

kubectl delete jobs mdms-read-cronjob-manually-1 -n mgramseva

Last updated

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