Search Expense Bills

Users are redirected to this screen by selecting the Update Expense card on the home screen.

Update Expenses card is available on the home screen for defined roles that have EXPENSE PROCESSING permission.

Link → {base url}/mgramseva/home/searchExpense

User Interaction on Screen

  • Users can search the expense bills with the Vendor Name / Type of Expense / Bill ID ( Search with any one of these criteria )

  • Click on Search navigates the user to the expense results screen which lists the expenditure bills matching the search criteria.

Files Path

Primary Files:

Field Validations


Owner Mobile Number


Name of the Consumer

r'^[A-Za-z ]'

Old Connection ID

No Validation

New Connection ID

No Validation

API Details



[{"moduleName": "Expense", "masterDetails": [{"name": "ExpenseType"},]}, {"moduleName": "BillingService", "masterDetails": [{"name": "BusinessService"}, {"name": "TaxHeadMaster"},]}]

To get the Expense Type for the Dropdown


1 → Home Screen. + Search Expense Bills Screen

Pop → Home Screen

Widgets Utilised from Library

Last updated

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