View Consumer


  1. Users are redirected to the View Consumer screen from the home screen via

    • Collect payments → Search Screen → Consumer Details Screen

    • Download bills & receipts → Search screen → Consumer Details Screen

    • Dashboard → Collections → Click on Consumer ID

    • Household Register → Click on Consumer ID

  2. This screen contains all information related to HH

Static HH card displays the following details

  1. New Connection ID (also displayed as a heading)

  2. Consumer name

  3. Father's name

  4. Phone number

  5. Old connection ID

  6. Address - Door Number, Street number, Ward (attached)

  7. Property type

  8. Service type

    • for metered connections - the meter number is displayed

For Non-Metered Connection

  1. If the bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month)

    • Only the data Card is shown - No action is required

  2. Once the first demand is generated - A new consumer bill/card gets generated and displays the following data points and actions -

    • Billing cycle – the latest billing cycle

      • Amount -

        • Current Amount - fixed charges applicable to the billing cycle

        • Arrears - Arrears from the first month (From next month onwards this field displays any unpaid dues)

        • Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears

      • Action Items

        • Download or Share Bill

          • Clicking on download bill prompts users to download the bill (Bill details are given in a separate user story)

          • Share bill (WhatsApp icon) opens sharing options to the phone OS and the user is able to share bills via WhatsApp

          • Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF

          • Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”

        • Collect Payment

          • The Collect payment button takes the revenue collector to the payment collection screen

  3. After the First payment collection is done

    • A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment transaction is completed through mGramSeva

      • A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom

      • Each receipt card contains

        • Receipt ID

        • Amount Paid

        • Paid Date

      • Actions

        • Download Receipt - downloads the receipt in the Revenue collectors phone as a PDF

          • Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”

        • Share (WhatsApp)

          • Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find the receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with receipt PDF

New Connection Before First Bill Generation

First bill is generated - Payment Collection is pending

2 payments made

For Metered Connection

  1. If a bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month)

    • A data card is displayed on the screen

    • Below the data card - the Card to generate a new bill is also displayed

    • This card contains

      • Last bill generation date - For the first time this is picked up from data entry. Next time onwards the system captures the last bill generation date

      • Days from last bill generation date - indicates to the revenue collector the number of days passed since the last time a bill is generated

      • Previous Meter reading - Displays the last read meter units

      • Pending Amount

        • Before the first bill is generated, the arrears are captured during data entry

        • After the first bill is generated, the pending amount includes the entire amount due for the specific user

      • Generate a new bill

        • Clicking on Generate a New Bill initiates bill generation flow for metered connection

      • Note - Users have to generate a bill to start collecting payments. Arrear amount collection also is not possible till the first bill is generated.

  2. After the first bill is generated

    • A new consumer bill/card gets generated with the following data points and actions

      • Last bill generation date - date of bill generation

        • Amount -

          • Current Amount - Volumetric charges between 2 latest meter readings according to rate master

          • Arrears - All previously unpaid dues

        • Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears

      • Action Items

        • Download, Share Bill

          • Clicking on the download bill prompts users to download the bill for the respective amount (Bill details are given in a separate user story)

          • Share bill (WhatsApp icon) opens the sharing options of the phone OS and the users can share bill via WhatsApp

          • Message to go in WhatsApp “ Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF

          • Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”

        • Collect Payment

          • Collect payment takes the revenue collector to the payment collection screen

  3. After the first payment collection is done

    • A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment happens through mGramSeva

    • A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom

    • Each receipt card contains

      • Receipt ID

      • Amount Paid

      • Paid Date

    • Actions

      • Download Receipt - downloads the receipt to the revenue collectors phone as a PDF

        • Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”

      • Share(WhatsApp)

        • Message to go in WhatsApp “ Please find receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with receipt PDF

  4. If a new bill is generated again by clicking on ‘Generate a new bill’ - the revenue collector goes through the bill generation flow and a single new card appears between ‘Generate bill’ and ‘Consumer receipts block’

Last updated

All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.