Household Register


Users can click on the HouseHold Register on the home screen and navigate to this screen. This provides a single view snapshot of all pending collections by consumers to date.




HouseHold Register

As of Date

As of <Todays Date>


  • Search by consumer name or connection id

  • Partial match should be allowed.


Default is “All” selected

User can switch to “Pending” or “Paid” view. Based on selection, results are displayed in the table

Download PDF

Download PDF should download PDF format of Household Register with name of document as HH_Register_<Date>

WhatsApp Share

Should trigger same PDF as Whatsapp share


  • Connection ID

    • New Connection ID of the consumer. If there is a metered connection, an “M” in ⭕️ is shown alongside connection ID

  • Name

    • Name of the consumer - Similar to Revenue dashboard truncate it to 20 characters and show 3 dots

  • Pending Collections

    • Total pending collections of the consumer till date.

The table has sort options by all columns.

The sorted and filtered table, as in the screen view, is exported into the PDF format dynamically on printing.

Clicking on the Back button takes the user back to the home screen.

Last updated

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