Create Consumer

Enables employees to create new Consumers or Connections - The process of onboarding the end-users.

→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/consumercreate

The Create Consumer card is available on the home screen as per the defined user role.

Click on the Consumer Create card navigates the user to the consumer creation screen.

Users enter the required details for the creation of Consumer.

If a user logs in for the first time then a walkthrough is populated following the same logic as in the home screen.

File Path

Note: All fields are validated on Submit except the Phone number which gets validated on change.

API Details

Consumer creation involves 2 sequential Process

  1. Property Creation

  2. Water connection Creation

After creating a property, the Property ID is linked to the WaterConnection Request JSON.

Water connection creation is of two types:

A metered connection that requires Meter ID and meter installation Date/ Last Meter Reading Date and an optional field to capture meter reading.

Non-Metered Connection which requires the last billing cycle as mandatory params captured in the field as shown below.

Users can switch between connection types by selecting a desired value from the Service Type DropDown.

Role Access Mapping

    case Routes.CONSUMER_CREATE:
        return ['GP_ADMIN', 'SUPERUSER'];

Components utilised from Widgets Library

Files Path

Last updated